Chemical Peel

Skinne performs different formulations of peels for all skin types – even those with sensitive skin – Chemical peels improve skin concerns: acne, hyperpigmentation and aging. These challenging skin concerns are improved with our perfected formulas by increasing the skin’s cell turnover rate, bringing new skin cells to the surface, reducing signs of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and clearing breakouts.



Chemical Peels

As a skincare enthusiast or someone looking to get improved skin, you must have heard of chemical peels. Many people have a lot of questions about the importance and effectiveness of chemical peels. A chemical peel is the use of chemical solutions to improve the skin's appearance usually the face, by shedding the outer layer of the skin to reveal a finer and smoother skin layer. It is sometimes called derma peeling or chemexfoliation. You might be wondering who needs a chemical peel for the face or when the right time is to get one.

Reasons to Get a Chemical Peel.

Chemical peels are very effective for treating certain skin conditions on the face, neck and sometimes hands. You should consider getting one if you are seeking to achieve one of the following.

Treat acute acne conditions.
Reduce the appearance of mild scarring.
Clear sunburns on your face, freckles or uneven skin tone.
Lighten hyperpigmentation or drak spots.
Treat melasma gotten from pregnancy and some birth control pills.
Treat actinic keratosis which are precancerous spots that are scaly.
Get brighter facial skin and improve your confidence.

Skinne Face and Body Care offers medical-grade chemical peels which are effective. We work with the client to determine the depth of the peel. Our chemical peels have anti-ageing benefits as we are experienced and well trained in this field.

Are Chemical Peels Safe for all Skin Types?

Chemical peel procedures are generally safe to be done on all skin types, however, darker skins may experience post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which will leave your skin darker after the peel treatment. This is why Skinne Face and Body Care makes sure we give just the right intensity of peels to our clients to prevent a counter-reaction. All skin types and colors are safe with us.

A Typical Chemical Peel Procedure.

The procedure usually starts with cleansing excess oil off your face, taking care to avoid the eyes and hair area. After this, a chemical peel solution is applied. Some common chemical peel solutions are salicylic acid, glycolic acid, phenol, trichloroacetic acid. These chemicals penetrate deep into the skin, causing the peeling off of the outer layer. Skinne Face and Body Care will determine the depth of the peel based on your skin problem and type. The different types of chemical peels are;

1. Light Chemical Peel: This is subtle and is usually done systematically, targeting the outer layer of the skin. This works for uneven skin tone, dry or wrinkled skin, and sunburns. It will take just a few days for the treated area to recover with no downtime.
2. Medium Chemical Peel: In this case, both the outer layer and top middle layer of your skin are removed. This is best for uneven skin tone, signs of ageing or moderate wrinkling. It might take more than a week to recover and there is a need of downtime. 

Preparing for a Chemical Peel.

If you are preparing for a chemical peel procedure, you might want to consider the below tips.

Reduce exposure to the sun a few weeks before your procedure.
Prepare your skin with hydroquinone application (if instructed).
Avoid retinoid products about two weeks before, unless otherwise stated.
Take all prescribed antibiotics at least 24 hours before your chemical peel.
Ensure your treatment area is free from injuries and infections.

What to
Expect After a Chemical Peel

The type of chemical people treatment you undergo will determine you after reactions. For light chemical peels, you should expect redness due to sunburn and scaling which will occur about three days later. Use lotions as directed until your skin is properly healed. Also, use sunscreen daily.

For medium chemical peels expect redness, swelling and some stings on your skin. The skin will peel off for over 7 – 14 days. Daily soaks should be adhered to and use prescribed ointments. Stay away from the sun.

Skinne Face and Body Care will offer you all the assistance you need from your treatment time till you are completely healed. If you are seeking to do chemical peels in Orlando, Florida, Skinne Face and Body Care  will be more than happy to help you with your skin goals.